5 Easy Ways to Get Motivated to Go to The Gym

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Great tips on how to get motivated to go to the gym in 5 easy tips! #gym #gymmotivation #healthylifestyle

Knowing that you need to go to the gym and actually going are two different things. We can always tell ourselves that tomorrow will be the day we start. Then tomorrow comes and something happens and then the next day becomes the new start day.

This can be a never ending cycle if you let it. Especially, if you are unmotivated or despise going to the gym.

I struggled with this for a long time. And if I am being honest, I still do at times.

Now, listen up and tell me if this sounds like you to some extent.

I went to the gym last year. I had just gotten done with work where I had worked outside in the sun all day for 6-7 hours. I went to the gym after work like I had done since the beginning of the summer, I got on the treadmill and I started walking. At the time I had planned on going for a run (which I despise- but I’ll get to that in a minute). I very well might have been in a bad mood too, however I simply got so frustrated I exploded.

Not literally. There was no one staring at me, I wasn’t yelling, any other unassuming gym-goer probably had no idea what was going through my mind.

But in my head, I was furious. I asked myself, “Why do I have to do this? I shouldn’t have to do this. Why me?”

Yup, I wasn’t kidding- total temper tantrum. All I needed was to stomp my foot and start crying and it would’ve been like reliving my toddler years all over. At the age of 20.

This was not one of my proudest moments. I just want to say that before I continue on.

I got myself so worked up on the treadmill that I left. After 5 minutes of walking, I just left.

And to be quite honest- I am pretty sure that I stopped at Starbucks on the way home. Just because.

Luckily, that was the last mental breakdown that I had and will hopefully be the last one forever.

I wanted to share this story because I get it. And I am pretty sure that I am not the only one this has happened to. At least to an extent.

Getting motivated to go to the gym can be hard.

I now have certain things that I do to make going to the gym fun. Or at least as fun as it will ever be 😉

Here is my list of five tips that will motivate you to go the gym.

*This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to purchase something through my links, I may get a commission at no extra cost to you. Please note- I only recommend products that I use and LOVE myself!*

Tip #1: Do a workout that you like

Now we can get back to the running. I hate running. Despise it. But everyone always said that running is so good for you. I felt like I had to run to get fit. I can tell you right now- you don’t.

I am pretty sure that the idea of running is what set me off in my earlier meltdown story.. just saying…

Since that day, I have stopped running. And I haven’t had a meltdown since.

Coincidence? I think not. (Gibbs Rule #39- There is no such thing as a coincidence).

The thing I changed- I actually enjoy doing the workout (for the most part, burpees and lunges still irk me, but I’m working on it..).

This is why Tip #1 (and probably the most important tip to get motivated to go to the gym) is that you should enjoy your workout. No matter what, you will be healthier and lose more weight if you workout. Doing a workout that you hate is going to make it easier for you to push it off or do a half-assed job.

And doing any sort of work out is better than not doing one at all. 

Yes, running is a good workout, but so is swimming. So it walking. So is weight training.

Find what you like and do that. 


Tip #2: Have cute workout outfits

Yes, I am serious. Think about it, when you buy a new outfit that you think is simply adorable- you want to wear it. If that means going to dinner by yourself, so be it. You will wear that outfit with your head held high.

The same goes for workout outfits.

If you buy cute workout outfits you are going to want to wear them. And the place to wear them?

Yup, you guessed it. The gym.

You can also reward yourself. For every ten pounds you lose, you can buy yourself a new outfit. That’s what I do to motivate myself to go to the gym (and not eat the last cookie..) It works. Trust me.

Tip #3: Get good music

It doesn’t matter what kind’ve music you like. As long as you enjoy listening to it, then buy it.

Going to the gym without music is like going to the ice cream shop without buying ice cream. You just don’t do it.

And yes, gyms usually play there own music, however I know for a fact that there is a good chance that the music they play, you won’t like.

Always, always, always listen to music that gets you excited. If you want to dance or lip sync to your music (I would suggest not actually singing, but to each their own…) then so be it. You’ll burn more calories by dancing anyways.


Tip #4: Go at a time that works for you

If you are not a morning person, then don’t go to the gym in the morning. If you aren’t a people person, then don’t go to the gym at the busiest times.

Go at the times that work for you! If you are a night owl try going to the gym at night.

I personally am a morning person so I go at 5:30 am before I get my day going. I know, what kind’ve monster am I?

Tip #5: Weight yourself

You are probably thinking- “On what planet do you think weighting myself would be a good idea?”

I’ll tell you. If you get on the scale each morning and see that you are losing weight, even if it is just a couple of ounces or pounds you will get motivated to keep going.

You will be inspired to keep going after what you want and to keep sweating your butt off in the gym.

Now, I’m going to be real honest with you. You can do all of these things and still not be motivated to go to the gym. And the reason for this is because you don’t truly want it. If you truly want it- you will do everything in your power to get there.

Now, you not wanting it doesn’t make you a bad person. Everyone has different circumstances. Yo


u just need to find your “Why” and go after it. Once you find your “why”,  you will find that getting motivated to go to the gym is that much easier.

I hope my tips help motivate you to go to the gym tomorrow, today, in an hour, or now. The hardest part is taking the first step. After that, each day gets a little bit easier.

Happy Exercising! If you have any questions or concerns head over to my Contact Me page or email me at brooke@babblingwithbrooke.com. If you need some help finding the right workout program then you can read my post about the BodyBoss Method and see if it works for you!

And of course, please share on Facebook or save for later via Pinterest!

I love to hear all of the different success stories you all have to share! And if not a success story but a “still in progress” story, I want to hear that too! The best way to stay accountable is to have someone on your side.

I am that person! I want to be there cheering you on!

Have Fun! 

Great tips for getting motivated to go to the gym! #gymmotivation #healthylifestyle #gym
Great tips to help you become motivated to work out! #workouttips #healthylifestyle #motivation

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About Brooke

Babbling With Brooke is the only food blog that provides easy, friendly guidance to young men and women trying to cultivate their culinary skills. I provide friendly guidance that helps build confidence and skills in the kitchen by providing video guidance, easy recipes, and tips to purchasing easy to use kitchen tools and the best ingredients.

2 comments on “5 Easy Ways to Get Motivated to Go to The Gym

  1. Since I have created my play list it is so much easier to go on a walk or even work! As I work outside, the ear buds are always in! The music is the single motivating thing to get me going and workout!

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