As we near the New Year, many people may be looking to try and change their lifestyle.
Am I right?
Maybe you are one of the people that has been trying to lose weight for months, or even YEARS and you just can’t seem to shed the weight.
For those of you nodding your head yes (including me), Body Love by Kelly Leveque may be the fix for you. Whenever someone asks what the book is about, I always have a hard time explaining what the book is truly about.
Body Love is a book that breaks down what you body needs in order to be put in balance. It is not about a diet or a workout regimen. Body Love is about becoming a healthier version of yourself through eating smarter.
What is Fab Four Life? Body Love by Kelly Leveque
Throughout Kelly’s book, she talks about the importance of the “Fab Four life”. Essentially, all the Fab Four Life is about is encompassing four key things into your meals on a daily basis.
In Body Love by Kelly Leveque, Kelly gives several examples of how allowing your body to go into a balance can change and improve your overall wellbeing.
Got acne? Maybe fertility issues? Can’t lose weight? Always bloated? Constipated? Kelly has examples and explanations for why this lifestyle can change these diseases and occurrences.
The kicker?
The fab four nutrients that you need in your daily meals? They are things that we all know that we need, however we choose not to or don’t think to include them into our meals.
These nutrients include fiber, fat, protein and greens. We all know that we need these four things, but do we really make an effort to include them in every meal?
I know I didn’t.

Body Love by Kelly Leveque
Finally, this book takes you through the science of why the fab four life works. Kelly is very educated on the human body having a background in cancer research. Kelly does an excellent job explaining everything in layman terms so you truly understand what she is explaining. Even if you don’t have knowledge about the human body.
What Does the Book Provide? | Body Love by Kelly Leveque
Body Love by Kelly Leveque is a great book and provides you with an awesome start to this lifestyle. The book gets you motivated to change your lifestyle and believing that you can, maybe for the first time in your life, do whatever it is you want to do.
In the book, you get a very thorough yet easily understood explanation of what is happening in the human body to make this lifestyle work.
She provides you with an incredible number of testimonies and real life examples of the fab four lifestyle working. Some of examples of testimonies include losing weight (and keeping the weight off!), a lady with fertility issues being able to get pregnant within a couple months of the lifestyle, thyroid disease of many different forms no longer debilitating peoples lives, and acne disappearing.
These are only a few great examples.
The book also provides you with great recipes to try including the Fab Four Smoothie.
The Fab Four Smoothie is a smoothie that you drink usually in the morning, in order to help get your day off on the right foot. This smoothie curbs any cravings and balances out your blood sugar making you not want to eat as much come lunch time.
The recipes for the fab four smoothies are extensive and there are many recipes that she includes for lunches and dinners as well.
The key to this lifestyle (and what most people will enjoy hearing) is that Kelly doesn’t tell you that you can’t have the wine at dinner, you can’t binge eat at a party or have a nice dinner out, you simply have the keys to make smarter choices (if you choose) and the ability to rebalance your body the next morning.
Sounds like a win-win to me, right?
Finally, Body Love by Kelly Leveque also includes information on how to properly meal prep (if you choose), what a day in her life looks like and so much more!
Overall Thoughts | Body Love by Kelly Leveque
My overall thoughts on this book are very positive, Body Love by Kelly Leveque is highly acclaimed by Rachel Hollis, Jessica Alba, Kate Walsh, Molly Sims, and Connor Cook only to name a few and it is no question as to why they love it!
However, for those of you who understand sometimes we don’t have the same means as the “rich and famous”, just know that I am not “rich and famous” and this book worked wonders for me!
The only thing that I do to this point is drink a fab four smoothie daily.
I often drink my smoothie with the all natural protein powder by Juice Plus which is all natural, gluten free and gives you a great balance of nutrients! I always try and mix up the shakes in the morning so I don’t get bored, however Kelly gives a GREAT selection of fab four smoothies to try.
I have seen improvements in my body that I haven’t seen on any other diet. I am just like you guys, losing weight was like pulling teeth. I could not do it to save my life.
However, while drinking these Fab Four Smoothies, I have felt myself gain muscle and my body has become more in balance with itself then ever before.
I am definitely a Fab Four believer!
To get a copy of this book click HERE.
If you want to read this awesome book and change your lifestyle but also improve your overall fitness levels, read about my experience with Body Boss Method!
If you want to hear more about my experience then please feel free to contact me at
Leave your comments below, if you have read this book and LOVED it or even read the book and HATED it, I want to hear about it!
Happy Reading!
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