Babbling With Brooke
Babbling With Brooke provides you with honest, sometimes funny, sometimes all too real book reviews for the completely avid book reader.
Being completely obsessed with books gives me a great repertoire of book suggestions, reviews and sometimes great remarks to give you a good laugh while you are researching your next book…
No seriously, books are my thing and if they are your thing too- then lets be friends!
Please feel free to reach out to me via with any questions you may have!
My Story:
If you’re on this page then you are probably a book junkie just like me. Which means you probably love to hear a good story.
Well- you’ve come to the wrong place.
You thought that was going to take a different turn, didn’t you? 😉
But seriously- my story is not interesting, but it’s my story and just like every book we read, its unique. So if you want to be taken on a journey of my story- go for it. Keep reading. If not, then there are some great stories located under the Book Review tab at the top of the page- head over and get started!

My Momma and I <3
My story has always been based in the beautiful state of Colorado. I am a born and raised (and PROUD) native Coloradan. Growing up I hated school (and reading) until Middle School when a friend (who was an avid reader) got me hooked on a horse series. That’s when I found the magic of reading. The magic of immersing myself into a different reality, even if for just a little while.
I still hated school all the way until I graduated college with a nursing degree. That unfortunately never changed..
The more books I read, the faster I got at reading until I was (and am) able to read 2-3 300+ page books in a day if given the opportunity. When I wasn’t found reading I was found playing with my amazing dogs (totally love dogs over cats- sorry cat lovers..) or riding my incredibly opinionated and stubborn (sounds kind’ve like me…?) mare. The same mare that took me to state and regional championships multiple times for Dressage.

Best Friends Forever (no seriously, psychology said so..)
Fast forward a thousand years (just kidding, more like 10ish years) and I am now an Operating Room Nurse, who still owns and rides the same stubborn and opinionated mare mentioned above (Bella is her name), still reads in excessive amounts (if there is such a thing), enjoys talking politics (don’t email me about my political views unless you truly want to know and can handle a discussion about it), I am the incredibly proud sister of a Marine Corps Officer (Semper Fi!) and daughter to two of the most hard working people I have ever met. Now that I no longer have school to take all my money (just my horse.. ;)) I’ve made a deal with myself that I will fulfill my dream of traveling the world and I want to hopefully inspire some of you to do the same.
Plus- traveling is a great time for reading.. just sayin’.
Although my story may not be interesting and I’m leaving out all the gorey, hard details of what got me to this point in my life, my story is mine and I am proud of every step I’ve taken to get to this point.
I hope you enjoy the book reviews and travel tips and that I can inspire you to love your life, do everything you wished to do in life and aspire you to be the best version of yourself that you can be…
… while reading amazing books, of course.

My 1:1,000,000 Horse- Bella
15 Fun Facts About Me:
- Dog lover extraordinaire
- Horse lover (I should probably just say lover of all animals, shouldn’t I? )
- Travel Enthusiast/Wannabe Travel Enthusiast
- Sarcasm at a 15/10
- Attitude is strong (but only when you deserve it)
- Loyal to those closest to me
- Being a nurse is my superpower
- My brother and parents are my best friends
- I’m a Chick Fil A lover for life
- Hates Camping, Road Trips and Cruises… (change my mind- I dare you 😉 )
- I despise going to the gym but I go anyways..
- I hate the taste of coffee and always have- therefore I survive on only water to keep me sane throughout the day (*gasp* No caffeine?? Yup- no caffeine for me!)
- Hobby Lobby and Barnes and Noble are two stores I can not be trusted in.
- My Favorite Songs: You Say by Lauren Daigle or High Hopes by Panic! At the Disco
- I love to bake and cook (but especially bake because I LOVE all things dessert..)