Creating Success Through Your Morning Routines!

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Having a consistent morning routine can be integral into getting your day started on the right foot. A lot of people may sit down for a cup of coffee, read the newspaper, or read a book. Others might have a hectic morning with kids and trying to get them organized for school. Either way, this morning routine will help shift your attitude about the upcoming day and put you in the right mindset to deal with anything life throws at you.

Step #1: List 5 things you are grateful for as part of your morning routine



Every morning, spend 5-10 minutes going through and writing down things you are grateful for. I chose five things, but it can be three, 10, or 20. The number doesn’t matter as long as you are truly feeling grateful! Don’t go through this routine as if it is another chore, you won’t get anything out of it. If you are one of those people who truly cannot spend 5-10 minutes writing down things you are grateful for, you can have a object that you touch or use throughout the day, and every time you touch that object, you can say something that you are grateful for. For instance, if you wear the same bracelet everyday, every time you touch the bracelet to adjust it, put it on, take it off, you think of something you are grateful for. And the same rules apply- you must be genuine with what you are grateful for!

Step #2: Write down your affirmations as part of your morning routine!


After you write down what you are grateful for, spend about 10 minutes writing down your affirmations. Some people have more affirmations than others and will require more time. That’s OK, as long as the affirmations are resonating with you, spend as much time as you need on this step of the process.

Step #3: Visualize what you want as part of your morning routine!


Finally, the last step of this morning routine is to spend about 10 minutes going through a visualizing what you want. If you aren’t sure what I mean by visualizing, then head over to my blog post The Law of Attraction: The Universe is your Catalog!. Don’t just visualize the object you want, but envision yourself having it. If you want to drive a Porsche, then visualize yourself behind the wheel of a Porsche. Visualize yourself speeding down the road to wherever it is that you desire! Truly feel as if you are experiencing what it is that you want.

These are three easy steps that will take you about 30 minutes to complete. Anybody can wake up 30 minutes earlier in order to partake in a morning routine that will change your attitude about your life and change your future!

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Creating Success Through Your Morning Routines
Great tips on how to improve your morning routine to manifest all you want in your day and your life! #thelawofattraction #morningroutines #habits #blogger
3 easy tips to create success through a healthy morning routine. Having a good morning routine can be a great way to create success in your personal and professional life! #morningroutine #creatingsucess #easytips #blogger #bloggingsuccess

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About Brooke

Babbling With Brooke is the only food blog that provides easy, friendly guidance to young men and women trying to cultivate their culinary skills. I provide friendly guidance that helps build confidence and skills in the kitchen by providing video guidance, easy recipes, and tips to purchasing easy to use kitchen tools and the best ingredients.

8 comments on “Creating Success Through Your Morning Routines!

  1. “Anyone can wake up 30 minutes earlier”. hahahaha That’s definitely the part I struggle with, but love the gratitude and affirmation ideas. Thanks!

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